Worker’s Compensation
Worker's Compensation
The workers’ compensation attorneys at Anderson, Julian & Hull offer employers and carriers experienced representations before the Industrial Commission, the Idaho Court of Appeals and the Idaho Supreme Court.

Worker’s Compensation Benefits and Disputes
In 2014, approximately 3 out of every 100 workers were injured while on the job. In Idaho, like many states, employees who are injured on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
The amount, duration, and nature of those benefits are often hotly contested.
Fortunately, the workers’ compensation attorneys at Anderson Julian & Hull have years of experience in representing employers and/or their workers’ compensation carriers to make sure that the benefits paid to injured employees are fair, reasonable and consistent with Idaho law.
In Idaho, workers’ compensation claims are governed the Idaho Industrial Commission.
The workers’ compensation attorneys at Anderson Julian & Hull have a wealth of experience in reviewing and understanding the myriad of medical records generated by injured employees and have conducted and attended thousands of depositions and hearings conducted by duly appointed hearing officers.
Temporary Disability and Permanent Disability Ratings
Under Idaho’s Worker’s Compensation Act, the benefits of a claimant may include a Total Temporary Disability (TTD), Temporary Partial Disability (TPD).
Permanent Partial Impairment (PPI) and Permanent Partial Disability (PPD).
The worker’s compensation attorneys at Anderson, Julian & Hull are well versed in understanding the nature and scope of workers’ claims and the computations necessary to determine the amount of TTDs, PPDs and other related benefits.
In some instances, the injury of an employee is not the fault of the employer, the employee or his or her co-employees.
Instead, the employee’s injuries are caused by the action or inaction of a third party. Under Idaho law, the employee and/or the worker’s compensation surety may pursue the third party who caused the injuries and/or damages.
Regardless of whether the subrogation claim arises out of an automobile accident, a products liability claim, an industrial accident or similar situation, the skilled attorneys at Anderson Julian & Hull are adept at pursuing subrogation claims so that the carrier can recover its subrogation interest.
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